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- Our tips for enjoying the sun safely -
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Article: Our tips for enjoying the sun safely

Nos conseils pour profiter du soleil en toute sécurité

Our tips for enjoying the sun safely

The sun is good for morale, it allows you to stock up on vitamin D, boosts your immune system. It also helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis and promotes hair growth. An enemy, really? Yes, despite all these benefits, the sun is a formidable enemy! Responsible for two out of three skin cancers, it accelerates skin aging, can cause sunburn, burns, sunstroke and lucite (sun allergy). Exposure to the sun should therefore never be taken lightly.

Tip number 1: Never expose yourself during the hottest hours 

The risk of getting sunburn is greatest between noon and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its highest. After lunch, instead of rushing to the pool or running to the beach with a bucket and spades, why not opt ​​for a good nap instead? After all, that's what holidays are for... So, opt for exposure in the morning or late afternoon, especially if you have children.

Tip number 2: Complete protection for the whole family

To ensure you don't forget anything when packing your suitcase, take stock of everything you need to take to effectively protect the whole family from the sun.

  •  Sunglasses (including for babies!)
  • Wide-brimmed hat or cap
  • Canopea anti-uv swimsuits
  • Eco-friendly sunscreen SPF 50+ from a laboratory committed to protecting the oceans
  • Anti-UV tent for children's snacks on the beach

Tip number 3: For children, no exposure before 3 years old

Before the age of 3, pediatricians and dermatologists are adamant that a baby should not be exposed to the sun. Obviously, it is difficult to prevent a young child from crawling on the beach or to deprive him of stroller walks. Here again, you will have to be extra vigilant: hat, swimsuit or anti-UV t-shirt, sunglasses and above all, no walks during the hottest hours.

Tip number 4: Protect yourself in all circumstances 

While the French are increasingly making it a habit to protect themselves from the sun, and to protect their children, at the beach or at the swimming pool, too many of them still skip UV protection in other circumstances. A jog by the water, a market at lunchtime to buy fruit and vegetables, a boat trip... and generally a good sunburn when you get back. It is therefore essential to remember that sun protection is not reserved for the beach and holidays. As soon as the sun and summer set in, and if you plan to enjoy its precious rays, protection is ob-bli-ga-to-ry!

Tip number 5: Bet on Canopea anti-UV textiles!

In order to offer a real alternative to sunscreen, whose chemical filters have a harmful effect on both the skin and the marine ecosystem, we had the idea of ​​offering anti-UV swimsuits made from Econyl ® , a 100% recyclable nylon fiber made from fishing nets abandoned in the oceans. Thanks to their very tight mesh, Canopea swimsuits offer optimal protection against the sun and are absolutely safe for the skin and fish!

Tip number 6: Beware of photosensitization

 You may have already experienced this after an unexpected walk by the sea. Suddenly the skin starts to itch, small spots appear on the neck or in the armpits. To avoid this type of reaction, which can even cause burns and allergies, avoid wearing deodorant or perfume if you plan to expose yourself to the sun. Some medications also have a photosensitizing effect, if you have any doubts, seek advice from a pharmacist.

Discover our collection of anti-UV swimsuits here .

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