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Le soleil et la peau des enfants

The sun and children's skin

Le soleil et la peau des enfants

The sun and children's skin

Summer is still far away but it's never too early to start dreaming about the next vacation! Have you already chosen the destination and booked the plane tickets? Then now is the perfect time to t...

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Protection solaire : Les idées reçues

Sun protection: Received ideas

We often take part in conversations fueled by false beliefs about sun protection, cotton t-shirts, sun cream, and even Brittany. Chimeras that are passed down from mother to daughter, which it is ...

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Les crèmes solaires nous veulent-elles du bien ?

Are sunscreens good for us ?

Do not expose yourself during the hottest hours, wear anti-UV swimsuits and clothing, and regularly apply sunscreen. Here are the main recommendations regarding sun protection. If the use of sunsc...

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Connaître et comprendre l’index UV

Know and understand the UV index

Sun protection, whatever it may be, should not be chosen at random. To find the best protection, you need to take into account different factors: skin type of course, but also the UV Index. What d...

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Les cancers de la peau

Skin cancers

Every year in France, nearly 60,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed, including 6,500 melanomas. These figures are increasing, despite numerous information campaigns by health authorities. W...

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La petite histoire du bronzage

The short history of tanning

From the pale, translucent complexion of 19th-century young women to the caramel skin of 1960s models, the ideal of beauty has evolved. A look back at the history of tanning through time, from Ren...

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Nos conseils pour profiter du soleil en toute sécurité

Our tips for enjoying the sun safely

Today, it is no longer possible to ignore the many dangers that the sun can expose you to. To enjoy its benefits (and there are many!), it is therefore imperative to follow certain rules. Discover...

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Les crèmes solaires bio : une protection naturelle et écologique

Organic sun creams: natural and ecological protection

What do we expect from sun protection? First of all, it should protect our skin from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays. But that's not all. Consumers, who are increasingly demanding and aware...

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Quels aliments privilégier pour bien préparer votre peau au soleil ?

What foods should you eat to prepare your skin for the sun ?

With the arrival of summer, you may want to vary your menus a little, to prepare small fresh and easy-to-make recipes. What if you took the opportunity to choose foods that prepare your skin fo...

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Capital soleil : comment le définir?

Sun capital: how to define it?

The return of spring makes you want to get rid of your winter clothes as soon as possible and expose yourself to the first rays of the sun. But what about the risks for your skin? How do you know ...

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