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Partez en balade en famille dans les plus beaux villages cachés de France

Take a family stroll through the most beautiful hidden villages in France

Partez en balade en famille dans les plus beaux villages cachés de France

Take a family stroll through the most beautiful hidden villages in France

The arrival of summer gives you ants in your pants. It's like a desire to leave and escape with your family. This year, it's decided, you will go and discover a little corner of paradise in France...

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Des prémices à nos jours, comment le maillot de bain a-t-il évolué ?

From its beginnings to the present day, how has the swimsuit evolved?

The swimsuit is not just a fashion accessory. Over the ages, it has even become a reflection of society and its developments, to the point of becoming a symbol of women's emancipation.

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Capital soleil : comment le définir?

Sun capital: how to define it?

The return of spring makes you want to get rid of your winter clothes as soon as possible and expose yourself to the first rays of the sun. But what about the risks for your skin? How do you know ...

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Fête des mères : un week-end mère-fille dans un spa sur la Côte d’Azur

Mother's Day: A mother-daughter weekend at a spa on the Côte d'Azur

What gift to give your mom for Mother's Day? Canopea has gone in search of some of the best spa addresses on the Côte d'Azur and inland to offer your mom an unforgettable mother-daughter weekend o...

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Soleil et grossesse : quelles précautions prendre ?

Sun and pregnancy: what precautions should you take?

Beneficial for morale, the sun has the power to immediately put us in a good mood. However, overexposure carries risks, especially if you are pregnant. So, how can you enjoy the sun during your pr...

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Comment choisir un maillot de bain enfant ?

How to choose a child's swimsuit?

An essential part of your child's equipment in the summer, the essential swimsuit comes in multiple shapes and colors. Canopea has looked at the criteria to prioritize when choosing a swimsuit for...

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Les plus beaux fonds marins à observer en famille en France

The most beautiful seabeds to observe with the family in France

No need to go to the other side of the world to discover the seabed. France offers a variety of amazing places to practice snorkeling or underwater hiking. Canopea invites you to a stroll among so...

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Rivières et cascades sauvages : les paradis cachés du sud de la France

Wild rivers and waterfalls: the hidden paradises of the South of France

Far from the crowds of beaches and the coast, rivers are delightful places to swim and find a little freshness as soon as the temperatures rise. They often offer shaded areas, so pleasant during h...

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Visage, corps, cheveux : comment choisir votre produit hydratant ?

Face, body, hair: how to choose your moisturizer?

In any season, moisturizing your face and body is an essential step to protect your skin from external aggressions and delay the effects of aging. Your beauty routine would not be complete without...

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Bien manger en été : nos idées pour changer un peu

Eating well in summer: our ideas for a change

In summer, everything seems lighter! We have a light mind, we dress lightly, we cook lightly too. We suddenly want to cook differently, want tasty and easy-to-make recipes that would shake up our ...

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